Gathering of Personally-Identifying Information
Weight data and goals that are saved through Scelta are only stored locally on your device and are used to show this data inside of Scelta. Deleting Scelta from your device also deletes this data. You can collect virtual points, coins and achievements by adhering to your personal goals. If you use the Game Center / Google Play Games feature of Scelta these virtual achievements are visualized using Apple Game Center / Google Play Games and shared with other users through your Game Center / Google Play Games account. Your actual weight entries or information about your goals are not shared or sent anywhere in this context. Whether your goal is to lose, gain or maintain your weight, you can collect abstract "SP"-points and different coins. Only these points and coins are used for Game Center / Google Play Games rankings or unlocking achievements. This means it's only possible to generally tell how good a user has reached his personal goals, but never any information about those goals or weight entries.
Protection of Certain Personally-Identifying Information
All weight entries and goals that you enter trough Scelta are only saved locally and are not sent anywhere. To delete this data you can delete Scelta from your device. The points, coins and achievements and ranking positions are saved in Apple Game Center / Google Play Games, in case the Game Center / Google Play Games feature has been used. You can delete your Apple Game Center / Google Play Games account to delete this data.
Usage of the Apple Health App
Scelta can optionally read or write weight entries from or to the Apple Health app if a user has granted Scelta access to this kind of data. If access is granted, Scelta is able to read all weight entries that have been saved trough the Apple Health app. Scelta can only delete Health-app entries that have been saved through Scelta and not ones that have been saved through other apps. In no case is your personal data ever transferred to a 3rd party. It is only ever kept within the application container of Scelta or transferred to your personal HealthKit data store as per your permission choices. To delete your Health app entries, please use the app you used to save these entries or use the Apple Health app, which is able to delete data from all sources. If you delete Scelta you can delete all Health app entries made through Scelta or delete those entries later in the Apple Health app.
Third Parties
For payment processing RevenueCat is used. In this context a randomly generated user identifier is used to track subscription status and information related to in-app-purchases in Scelta. RevenueCat's own privacy policy states that RevenueCat will never share information about the app's data outside of RevenueCat. For more information visit:
Only used on Android: Firebase
We use the Firebase service from Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland) in order to derive application behavioral analytics. We use that information to see how users interact with our website and app. Firebase is part of the Google Cloud Platform and offers numerous services for developers. A list can be found here: Some Firebase services process personal data – an overview can be found here: In most cases, the personal data is limited to so-called “instance IDs”, which are provided with a time stamp. These “Instance IDs” assigned by Firebase are unique and thus allow the linking of different events or processes. This data does not represent personally identifiable information for us, nor do we make any efforts to personalize it subsequently. We process these aggregated data to analyze and optimize usage behavior, for example by evaluating crash reports.
We are using the following Firebase services:Google Analytics for Firebase
Google Analytics uses the data to provide analytics and attribution information. The precise information collected can vary by the device and environment. Google Analytics retains ID-associated data for 60 days, and retains aggregate reporting and campaign data without automatic expiration, unless the Firebase customer changes their retention preference in their Analytics settings or deletes their project. For Analytics for Firebase, Google uses not only the “Instance ID” described above, but also the advertising ID of the end device. You can restrict the use of the advertising ID in the device settings of your mobile device. For Android: Settings > Google > Ads > Reset Ad ID
Firebase Crashlytics
We use the “Crashlytics” diagnostics service operated by Google. Crashlytics and the error reports generated by the software are used to record and analyze errors. The resultant information is used to maintain and improve our App. Should usage of the App lead to unexpected errors or the App crashing, specific information, such as the device type, operating system version, date and time of the error, country in which the query originated, and language selected for the operating system, will be sent to Crashlytics.